Thursday, August 20, 2009


I figured long back that much as i would want to start writing atleast occasionally, the inherent laziness which seems to have seeped into my bones would never let me.

Hence this project. Hereforth, this space shalt feature anything I found striking, on or offline...which I think should be saved and re-produced for posterity. I'm starting with the one below, from Agatha C. I only wish my parents had read this some 10 years back. You see, most of my adolescent life was spent explaining to them how trouble just came to me, whether i went looking or not..

"Why do some people have exciting lives and other people dull ones? Because of their surroundings? Not at all. One man may travel to the ends of the earth and nothing will happen to him. There will be a massacre a week before he arrives, and an earthquake the day after he leaves, and the boat that he nearly took will be shipwrecked. And another man may live at Balham and travel to the City every day, and things will happen to him. He will be mixed up with blackmailing gangs and beautiful girls and motor bandits. There are people with a tendency to shipwrecks -- even if they go on a boat on an ornamental lake something will happen to it."

Agatha Christie.( Three Act Tragedy)